I graduated with a degree in Entrepreneurship, majoring in Management, back in my college years in the Philippines around 2012. I landed a job as an analyst at JP Morgan Chase Manila, but then had a change of heart and decided to become a flight attendant for one of the world's 5-star Middle Eastern airlines.

Traveling and seeing the world turned my perspective around completely. Being able to experience many different cultures gave me an eye-opening self-awareness about the world we live in, along with an appreciation for the majestic beauty of our existence. Despite this, due to social media, the world felt small, even though it is vastly big. The contrast between our reality and the ever-changing landscape of the digital realm gave me a unique angle from which to view the world—a perspective that can feel isolating since the concept of 'well-roundedness' seems to be a rare luck in my case. 'Privilege' may not fully capture an outcome born of hard work and, undoubtedly, a stroke of luck: being in the right place at the right time. I sometimes pinch myself, wondering, 'How did I get here?'

I've often been labeled as delusional or overly ambitious for consistently taking risks and dreaming big—dreams that constantly scare me, prompting the thought, 'How the heck will I do this?!' This propensity for risk-taking is likely ingrained in my DNA, coming from a conservative background where almost everyone I knew was hesitant to take risks or explore their full potential. A quote that has resonated with me says, 'Life becomes more meaningful when you know you don't get second chances.’

That the phrase became a mantra to me, that if I were to die tomorrow and ask myself ‘what else have I not done?’ and I want to end it with an answer ‘everything!’

That’s when I’ll know I’ve lived a full life. That I’ve tried everything whether I failed or succeeded. Be it in Love, Life or Business.


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